Well Rested: The Importance of Rest & Relaxation

In times like these, life can feel uncertain or out of control.  We’re experiencing unprecedented global events we have no answers to or an end in sight. Now, more than ever, it's important to take time to rest and nourish ourselves, emotionally and physically.  We must incorporate moments for self-care and to replenish and recharge.  We must acknowledge the importance of rest and relaxation.

Remember that old saying don’t rest on your laurels? In our go-go hustle world we can misunderstand the intentions of that saying - which was really don’t get complacent about your dreams and desires - and instead hear it as don’t rest at all. If we rest, everything will fall apart but not resting is how we participate in our bodies breaking down.

Many of us have strong work ethics and drive can be instilled at an early age teaching us to work all the time.  That messaging results in a lack of unstructured free time and the desire to be in constant motion.

Remember as a kid just sitting there and being told by your parents to get up and go do something? The message was it’s not okay to rest.  We need to be in constant motion, checking something off the list, moving forward.

It’s important to give ourselves permission to pause, evolve, recharge, and take our own advice.  If you’re in a season of needing rest, give yourself permission. When we don’t give ourselves permission to surrender, release our need for control, or be with our feelings, we can drain our bodies.


Be aware that sometimes when we are taking time for space, it requires us to work a little harder to prepare.  We may need to double up to pivot and prepare and the hustle can be high.  We may do things so we can maintain control like cleaning. Have you ever caught yourself thinking you’ll rest once everything is clean and in order even though your body is screaming from the inside?

Start to learn through your body and begin to see your resistance and lack of awareness.  Let your wisdom, intuition and awareness in. When we let it in, we practice the deepest form of self care.  Pay attention to the signs and to your behaviour.  Edginess, anxiety, feeling worn thin - they’re signs it’s time to fill up.  Body messages of pain, cough, shortness of breath, etc. are also messages you need some TLC.

Choose the supported path of doing the things that bring you joy.  Surrender to joy and what feels good.  Allow yourself to do the things that lift you up.  It will boost your immunity, mood, sleep, and longevity.

work-from-home-in-bed-rest-and- relaxation

We must consciously learn how to replenish ourselves on a daily basis and find moments throughout the day to come back to ourselves, replenish, fill up and rest up. Here are some suggested tools and practices:

Ask for help - don’t do all the heavy lifting by yourself.  It’s brave and scary but it doesn’t mean you’re incapable.  Undo those beliefs.  It’s just choosing a different way.  

  • Meditation - find a loving kindness meditation.  Sit with yourself and repeat a mantra - may I be happy, may I be healthy, may I be free from suffering.

  • Therapy - it’s much more accessible these days with online apps that place you directly with a therapist.

  • Journaling - tend to what’s blocking you from filling up.  Journal and get it out. Try this journal prompt: How are you feeling, really? 

  • Create a bedtime ritual - tuck yourself in. Sleep helps beauty, vitality, brain health and longevity.

  • Practice rest affirmations - repeat phrases of rest to yourself as potent reminders to disengage. Create your own or use my suggestions. Write them down then tape them in places you’ll see frequently as gentle reminders to rest.

Rest on your laurels a bit more this month.  Be good to yourself.  Rest up and recharge.


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